Procedure No: 3 – 100
Date: April 2020
Issue: 3.4
Page 1 of 1

The management of Bench is committed to ensuring that all employees are safe from injuries and risks to health while they are at work and accepts that employee health and safety is the responsibility of management as well as employees.

Policy Objectives:

The aim of this policy is to ensure that all employees of Bench are safe from injuries and risks to health while they are at work and develop and promote a culture of continual improvement.

In particular, this policy aims to ensure that:

  • a safe working environment and safe systems or work are provided and maintained
  • hazards are identified, risks assessment is undertaken to control and then evaluate steps taken
  • procedures and systems are in place to prevent incidences and injuries
  • machinery, equipment and substances are provided and maintained in a safe condition
  • all managers and employees accept their responsibilities which are detailed below
  • employees are provided the information, instruction, training and supervision they need to perform their work safely
  • objectives and targets are met.


Health and safety is seen as an integral part of management of the organisation and ranks equally with all other activities.  It is the responsibility of management and the employees to ensure:

  • compliance with WHS laws and regulations
  • effective implementation of the health and safety program
  • adequate consultation and reporting regarding health and safety
  • training is given/received prior to commencing work, new work practices or using new equipment
  • awareness is maintained for the health and safety of fellow workers
  • that safety equipment provided is used
  • staff health and safety in the workplace is not affected by the consumption of alcohol or a drug
  • that there is no interference with, removing or displacement of safety guards/devices or equipment.


This organisation is committed to encouraging consultation and co-operation between management and employees regarding health and safety issues.

Strategy, Objectives and Targets:

Bench will achieve the objectives of this policy by developing measureable WHS targets to monitor performance.  Refer procedure Objectives and Targets 1-1300 with the ultimate goal of “Zero Harm” in the workplace.

Non Staff Attending Work Site:

Persons permitted on site are required to abide by the Company’s Work Health and Safety Policies, WHS Act and Regulations 2012 and comply with health and safety instructions, advice and directives issued by Company staff.

Policy Implementation:

This policy is developed and implemented through the Operations Manual’s framework and is available to employees, Clients, stakeholders and the public.


The Work Health and Safety policy and procedures are reviewed annually in accordance with internal auditing practices and the ongoing Management Review of the Bench’s Operations Manual, in consultation with staff and kept up-to-date as required with new legislation and organisational changes.